Since 2007, BNI® New Zealand and Hospice NZ have proudly stood together as national partners, working together to help ensure hospice care remains free of charge for New Zealanders with a life limiting illness. Our partnership has gone from strength to strength, and over $3 million has been raised for hospices nationwide thanks to BNI’s generosity and ongoing commitment to the work of Hospice.

In 2022 BNI and their members raised $331,052. The money raised by BNI members through golf days, comedy nights, raffles, themed nights and much, much more, is donated to their local hospice.

Meet BNI.

BNI® is New Zealand’s largest referral marketing organisation. Its guiding principle is Givers Gain® – a philosophy that goes beyond networking to make an extraordinary contribution to communities across New Zealand. There are over 130 BNI business groups (known as chapters) throughout the country involving thousands of businesses, and these chapters have a long and dedicated history of raising funds for their local hospices.

BNI New Zealand, established in 1999, is the country’s largest and most successful structured business networking organisation for small to medium businesses. With approximately 2,700 members throughout the country. As a business community, BNI helps create business opportunities through a structured system of referrals and reciprocity, based on trust and giving. Its members meet weekly in a business environment that motivates and inspires. BNI’s guiding principle is the philosophy of Givers Gain®. More than thirty years of BNI has proven that those who ‘give’ by referring business to their colleagues, ‘gain’ in many ways, including reciprocal business.

Givers Gain® is a philosophy that goes beyond networking to make an extraordinary contribution to communities across New Zealand. BNI chapters have a long and dedicated history of raising funds for their local hospices.

Working in partnership.


Throughout New Zealand, BNI chapters have a long and dedicated history of raising funds for their local hospices. BNI members visit hospices throughout the year to learn more about their services, and hospice staff visit chapters at weekly meetings. Chapters and hospices work together in many ways – from small-scale fundraising events like a pub quiz, to large events like black tie balls. Because of our long standing relationship many BNI members have become Whānau to hospice staff and volunteers.

In 2022 alone, members of BNI came together to raise over $331,052  for hospices across New Zealand. We’re unbelievably grateful for this extraordinary contribution to palliative care. Watch the video above to see how they did it!


Nationally, BNI New Zealand sponsors the BNI Palliative Care Scholarship Programme, supporting Hospice NZ’s commitment to growing leaders in palliative care. In recent years, the focus for the scholarships has been the professional development of hospice psychosocial and allied health teams. Since 2007, BNI New Zealand has donated over $197,000 to fully fund this annual programme.

Learn more about the BNI Palliative Care Scholarship Programme here. 

Thank you.

Every service hospice provides is free, but each year hospices must raise $94 million nationally. We couldn’t do this without support from organisations like BNI. We are so grateful to BNI and their members for their support of Hospice. Thank you, for helping people live every moment.

Te Kahu Pairuri o Aotearoa – Hospice New Zealand has gifted BNI a gold medal, in recognition of the incredible contribution BNI has made to the hospice movement in Aotearoa New Zealand.