Resources for Carers

There are many people who are caring for someone who is dying throughout New Zealand. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to do or what help and support is available.

If you're looking after someone with a life-limiting condition, here are some resources that can help you.  

Browse our resources for carers

Caring for someone at home

Advice on where to get support and how to take care of yourself if you are a carer.

Ending Life Well

A podcast series for families who are faced with caring for a loved one who is dying.

Hei Whare Āwhina - Support Crew

An independent FREE online support platform co-ordinating meals, transport or any other help that’s needed from family and friends.

When the person you are caring for dies

Advice on how to manage when the person you are caring for dies.

What is it like to die

An easy to understand animated explanation of the natural process of dying.

Hospice Guide for Carers

Read our Guide developed with carers in mind. Up to date information and support for whānau-family caring for someone with a life-limiting illness.

Bereavement care

Hospice provides support for you and your whānau as you navigate life with bereavement and loss.