It's OK – Hospice Awareness Week 2023

Every day hospice cares for people and their whānau in the final chapter of their lives. Now we are bringing their stories to life in a heartwarming and insightful video series.

Hospice patients and people whose loved ones were cared for by hospice, share their emotional experiences in the hope that others will be ok about opening up and reaching out to Hospice for help.

Over three million of us tend to feel anxious and uncomfortable when thinking about a loved one dying (69%). These stories shine a spotlight on how hospice care helps to make that journey a little easier.

Dying is not an easy subject to talk about. We don’t know what to say and we’re afraid we’ll say the wrong thing. This campaign features hospice patients and whānau sharing their emotional experiences in the hope that others will be ok about opening up and reach out to Hospice for help.

Everyone’s story is unique, but feelings are universal and whatever you feel, is ok. If we can open up; if we can talk about dying and be ok with all the feelings we have; we can make the most of life right until the end. Hospice helps people get through.

Watch the videos below so you can understand a little more of the breadth and value of hospice care.

Please show your support so we can continue our life-changing services.

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Content image for HAW2023: Meet Eileen

Meet Eileen.

Eileen shares her experience of hospice care.

“Hospice helped me with everything. That’s why I can walk around smiling, because I’ve got nothing to worry about now”

Content image for HAW2023: Meet Latoya

Meet Latoya.

Latoya shares how talking about dying has helped her and her family.

“The topic is so depressing and so sad and so taboo but yet it’s one of the most natural things that happens in life…you live and you die… why I’m so comfortable now is because it is something we can talk about,”

Content image for HAW2023: Meet Vikki

Meet Vikki.

Vikki shares her experience of losing her son and the care Hospice provided them.

“I felt love bigger, I felt grief bigger, I felt pain bigger. Everything was exaggerated, so when you feel the love and support it has an even bigger meaning than it would if you weren’t going through something like that”

Content image for HAW2023: Meet Haley

Meet Haley.

Haley shares her story of losing a close friend and supporting another friend who is dying.

“Just normalise it. Make it OK. It does make it easier. It is so important to talk about it because when you ignore it, it makes it incredibly difficult”.

Your local hospice

Find a hospice near you or a loved one with our map of all hospices throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Share our stories and the value of hospice care

We need you this week, to help share our stories. Simply find us on facebook and instagram and share our posts – it’s really that simple. Join the conversation by posting and using the hashtags #hospicestoriesofcare and #hospiceawareness2023

Everybody needs understanding and care. It’s these things that allow us to thrive when we are well, and get through when we are struggling. And we need these most when we are dying. At the end of our lives, when time is precious, hospice exists to ensure we do. Understanding the care, the value, the comfort that Hospice provides – is why Hospice Awareness Week is so important.