Ending Life Well Podcast Wins Award

Otago Community Hospice's podcast series, Ending Life Well has won Bronze in the Best Interview Podcast category at NZ Podcast Awards.

Ending Life Well is a 29-episode series bringing conversations about caring for the dying to a wider audience.

It covers subjects such as selfcare, legal matters, funeral planning and whanau manaaki

(families who provide care to a kaumātua at end of life).

Denise van Aalst, clinical nurse at Otago Community Hospice says it has been a huge joy to share the holistic programme offered to hospice patients and whānau to a much wider audience via the podcast.  "It's there for everybody not just those who are involved with hospice directly.  People can access information about palliative care at a time and a place that suits them, and in a way that suits them."

More than 10,000 people had downloaded the podcast. You can find the Ending Life Well series in our Resources for Carers section.